Diego Penacchio Ardemagni

was born in Milan on 22 May 1955. He studied Graphics at the Milan University of Humanity during the course of A. Steiner. He became a pupil of Maestro L. Grassi. He began his classical study of art and its application on glass. He attended a nude course at the Brera Academy.

He collaborates with artists of various trends such as Purificato, Paganini, Repossi and Prof. P. Rivetta and T. Longaretti. He performs with the painter J. Resende the windows of N.S. di Oporto.

diego penacchio ardemagni milano, restauro, arte sacra, mosaici, sculture, vetrate e quadri
penacchio ardemagni milano realizzazione di: restauro, arte sacra, mosaici, sculture, vetrate e quadri

Sacred Art

” Art is experience of universality. It cannot be just an object or a means. It is a primitive word… prime and last meaning of life…

Religious therefore is Art because it leads Man to be aware of that restlessness that lies at the bottom of his Being...

Art is a path leading to God “

John Paul (letter to Artists)

Executed works

- Restoration of Maria Ausiliatrice chapel (Torino)
- Santa Maria Assunta at Turro
- Ardè Via Crucis
- The tower of Religions
- Jewish Exhibition
- Cappella Collegio Urbaniano

Il Restauro

Restoration is the methodological process in which the piece of art is acknowledged in its physical form and in its dual esthetic and historical polarity This is the spirit permeating all the phases of the conservative restoration in our Studio.

All the cleaning procedures are achieved after careful technical and aesthetic research and performed with non-toxic materials.

Aesthetic interventions are carried out with removability, reversibility and recognizability criterions, avoiding historical fakes or arbitrary interpretations.

Ambrosiana Arte Milano, restauro, arte sacra, mosaici, sculture, vetrate e quadri

Diego Penacchio Ardemagni

I consider myself an Artist: A man with the insight and sensibility of a clown, looking for a ray of poetryin the tragedy of our daily life.


Via Boiardo, 18 - 20127 Milan

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